Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 54- Back from IC part 2

As I was telling you, Caracas was a very interesting experience for me. We went with the -now state owned- cable car to the top of one of the hills, from where you can see all Carcas. The view is breath taking:

Overall, Caracas was a much more pleasant experience than Sao Paulo, and it was made such by the hospitality and the care of the great guys and girls there.

Now, coming back to our adventure, we were supposed to leave with the charter from Caracas to Punta Cana on Sunday 7th of September.

What do we find out on Saturday morning? That the charter does no longer have any free seats, as it is full of turists.

Because of the hurricane Gustav they had to cancel the flight on the previous Sunday (as the charter only flies on Sunday to DR), and as such they filled the plane with the turists from last week. As we did not have proper flight tickets for the plane (only the special arrangement with the alumnus) we could not do anything about getting seats.
Our only available options were to either wait for a week more and try to get seats in the next charter (which could not be guaranteed) or to pay 450USD for a ticket to Santo Domingo.
So, a serious whole in the finances and finnaly we are home.

After three weeks spend traveling half of the continent, visiting two very nice cities and attending the largest AIESEC conference, here I am back in the Caribbean, "living and working in the Dominican Republic for one year".


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