Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 113- I....always I

In case you did not notice until now, I am a very “I” person.
In my blog, the word with highest number of appearances is “I“.

Actually, I remember someone once told me that I should stop writing my emails with so many “I”, as it makes the reader slightly uncomfortable.

So, what do  I do? How do I make my writing to be about “You”?

Really, it has been a question to which the answer keeps eluding me every time.

My individualistic character is so strong that I really struggle with finding other words or structuring the sentences differently so that I do not have to use “I”.

Did you notice this while reading my blog?
If so, does it bother you?
And if yes, what do you suggest I do about it?


Dey Dos said...

Dude if you start to write the blog for "US" your readers, it will lose the essence of being so personal that we can read you but what we really read is ourselves by reading you...

When you start to write for "US" I will definitely get bored...
If there are people uncomfortable with you writing so many "I" they should be the ones asking themselves why...

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