Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 117- The power of positive thinking

If you needed more proof that thinking positive does influence your life, take a look at this.

Something I never quite understood is why we, as rational beings, even though confronted with numerous cases and demonstrations that negative thoughts and emotions are not "constructive", keep having and indulging in them.

Maybe it is part of the equilibrium needed between positive and negative, the famous Ying and Yang, or maybe its just because we get bored of only one thing, liking more the variety in life.
It might sound stupid, but sometimes I really thing that that is the major reason for the lack of consistency in humans.

For me, the mindset has definitely changed.

As I was explaining to her a few days ago why I do not want to continue to render useless the moments that I live by filling them with negative emotions.

Words constitute one of the biggest generators of feelings, so I will try to stop using words that are negative in a obvious way.

I am not talking about transforming into Mother Theresa, but about all those small details and things that you say just because you got used to them.
All the nasty things, all the cruel cynical little comments, along with the sarcastic "words of wisdom".

For sure I am one of those sarcastic and cynical people, and as such I am now making a conscious effort to change.

How come this happened?

It is mostly because I now had the chance to truly understand, and more than that, I could actually feel the fact that life for most of the people on this world has a very low quality (when compared to the "civilized world").

I know that these people can and are happy, in their own way, but for me this realization came as a very strong question:

If I have in my life persons that love me, and I love them back, and if I have the power to create value for others, and I have a body that is healthy, and I have the mind to understand all of the above......then why do I keep complaining?

You might read these lines and think that I am transforming into a "hippie".
It might be true.

Regardless of that, my decision is made.

Maybe tomorrow, or maybe in years....that is not as important as the fact that I will stop complaining about what I do not have and focus on what I have and on what I can improve.

About my life, about myslef and about what I have around me.


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