Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 102- On why the sun does not allow you to be sad

In the land of the eternal sun, all is good.

Only that....well.......there is a small cannot........... be sad.
The sun, with its daily comforting shininess, does not let you savor and revel in the occasional melancholy.

What is wrong with being happy all the time? I don't know, but it just does not feel right, and after some time it starts getting to you. And with the hurricane season almost over now, no hope at all for dark clouds.

Probably if I would have been born here, I would not feel that strange. But I do.

All this constant sense of "all is good" that I get from the bright sun makes me feel more and more uncomfortable.

Its like a bubble is created around this place, making it immune from all the sadness in the world.
Like a shield, protecting its inhabitants from bad feelings.

Me and my mother kept discussing some time ago the reasons why being in paradise would be a boring experience.

This place does seem to be that way, with happy and content people everywhere, lush vegetation all around, birds singing and all that.

After experiencing it for some time now, it seems we were right.

Can you please send some autumn this way?
I would appreciate it a lot.
If not....there are big chances I will go totally crazy with happiness, as can be seen :)


Dey Dos said...

Then go totally crazy... Why is that bad at all??? :)

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