Friday, October 31, 2008

Day 104- On mothers, creating realities and building characters

How much has your mother influenced your life?

I watched Ray, and it made me remember about how important are mothers in our life.
The same as after watching Forrest Gump, what remains in my mind, deeply ingrained in my consciousness, is not the main character with his achievements, greatness or failure, but the attitude of his mother.

Everything you are, from how your head is shaped to how disciplined you are, from how you are walking to the way you think and feel, all of it was influenced by her.
Your whole existence is traced back to your childhood and your parents, with an enormous effect from the person that gave you life.

It is not that fathers are less important, but because your mother has created for you a reality in a time where you could not, her effect on you was much more than that of your fathers.
She has shown you the way the world works, and through her paradigms you are destined to live your life.
There are special cases, I know that, but the vast majority of us develop in this way.

We can indeed change ourselves at any time, but how crucially important is the way in which our mothers behaved and lived their own lives until the time they had us, and thus the advices and believes they transferred.

For me at least, my mother is the one that made me what I am.
I know that she will read these lines and smile, and that she understands this better than I do.
And so does your mother.

Why am I writing these lines?
Not as a monument to mothers, but because I am wondering.
Wondering how will my personality, and the way in which I live and understand my life, affect the development of my children.

You can say that, being 22, I still have enough time to think about that.

But is that true?

We are who we are because we behaved in the same way for all the sum of the moments passed.
We are who we are because at each step of the way, we understood the world through the paradigms we gained in the past.

Now is as good a moment as any to think about this.

I will be a father one day, and all I am now and how I will behave until that moment will dictate my effect on my children.

Yes, parents grow and get wiser with the growth of their children, but it makes an incredible difference the way you are in those first "reality creating" years.

Start building today the image of how you want to be as a parent, and by the time it will really happen, when you will need to step up to the task for real, you will be ready.

In the end, my question for you girls that are reading my blog, the future character creators and life-shapers:

How do YOU want to be as a mother?


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