Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 93- Thank you Oana

There are special people you meet, if you are fortunate enough, with whom you simply connect.
Purely, without effort or thought, it seems you have known them all your life.

Like diamonds buried deep within the black earth, one day, by pure fortune, you encounter them.
And from that point on, you are never the same.

Like books.

You read one, and it makes you think.

You read a good one, and you get totally immersed.

You read a fantastic one............... and your mind stands still. Feeling things that you did not know were there, your soul making new and unimaginable connections while moving you through time, space and consciousness.

You read a fantastic one in the right time of your life, and it changes it forever.

Thank you Oana for the conversations, for the insights, for everything, but most of all for giving me fantastic books at right times.


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