Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 80- Climbing mountains outside is climbing mountains inside

that is what someone used to say.
I saw today a tv commercial with him.....and it made me think again about what I really want to do further.

Yesterday I read a very interesting post in a blog called The Happiness Project that reminded me about sunscreen. do you know what is the best way to proceed?
You do not.

At this point I know for sure that I want Germany, France or Austria as countries and maybe Norway (only for a very interesting opportunity).
In terms of geographical position I am decided.

I used to want to go back in banking, but as it turns out with the global situation, doing that would be like wanting to get hired as a personal assistant to a terminally ill person :)

There is no clarity in my mind regarding the industry in which I want to be, but I do have some perfect jobs in mind.

-Assistant to CEO in a company that is expanding globally.
-Working in a publicly unknown Venture Capital fund that has a very large investment capacity.
-Business Development for a company that works in or connected to recycling.
-Working in a company that focuses on developing ways of marketing alternative energy solutions.

They are perfect jobs because I am aware that getting one would be extremely challenging.
Then again....why not dream.

The certainties, even though not too many, are:

-I do not want to work in US, Asia or in any BRIC country
-I do not particularly want an Internship
-I want to start working in a place in which I will stay for the next 3-5 years
-I am not ok anymore with entry level positions (but this is somewhat relative)
-I want to do business traveling
-The company should be in an expanding or investing mode, focusing on growth and development

Each of these certainties are mirroring an aspect of my personality and character, so I think at least in this respect I am on the right track.

It will not be easy to find such an opportunity, but then........nothing that is worth having is ever easy to get (or keep).

What are your plans?


Unknown said...

to spend the rest of my life traveling for fun. And the residence will be ...Viena :-P

Alex Ragalie said...

meet my mother :)

Dey Dos said...

Hey, you said:
"Working in a company that focuses on developing ways of marketing alternative energy solutions."

That is just AWESOME!!!
There are plenty of opportunities in the UK, even dough you didn't mentioned that as one of your favorite places... Just do a little googling and I know you will fall in love with what they are doing... And overall meets all the rest of the expectations you have (expansion mood, etc, etc...)

Just a tip ;)


Alex Ragalie said...

thanks, will start looking.

Dey Dos said...

Hi Alexandru,

You have made a huge impact on me with your blog, inspiring me to remember my @XP and bring up the best of it to what I am doing right now...

As part of the process of my new blog, I was Tagged! by a person I don't even know and I don't imagine who is...

And I decided to tagged you since I believe your blog is worth spreading!

Basically it is a blogging type of game.
It is very simple.

1. You have to mention and link back to the person who tagged you (actually you already did this, so you can just skip it)

2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself in a post on your blog.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Things and blogs you read and you consider worth taking a look at.

4. Let each person know that you’ve tagged them by leaving a comment on their blog.

I am so glad I came across your blog.
It has inspired me tons to do what I am doing.


PS: You may or may not continue the chain, what it is important for me it to let you know that what you are doing is truly inspiring people to take ACTION, like it did happened with me.
Forever grateful.

Alex Ragalie said...


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