Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 76- Do people make you happy?

Amongst the many random gigabites of eBooks that I keep downloading, there was one called "100 ways to disappear and live your life".
Reading slowly came to me.....a thought with which I have been playing in the past also..........wouldn't that be the first step to happiness?

As we are the mirror of what others see in us, the moments in which we are truly doing things for ourselves, for our deep inner self, are very rare.

No history, no background, just a pair of clothes, a name and yourself.
Could you do it?

You would say: No! I could not do it, because of the people I care about.

If so, when was the last time you said "i love you" to those few people?

Yesterday was, today there is no time, tomorrow the schedule is full......and thus time slowly flows you wake up one day realizing that you did not do it often enough.

Because I guarantee that you will.

Just spend time with any old person, and you will see how the closeness of death, the reality that your life is finite and that you are not immortal takes a sudden material form. And then priorities change dramatically.

We find time to argue, to complain and to ask for things, but not really enough to show our appreciation. Not even to ourselves.

Go home this evening with a flower and a kiss, smile and say "i love you".

As that flower wilts away, so will you.
Why not make someone happy in that process?


Dey Dos said...

"No history, no background, just a pair of clothes, a name and yourself.
Could you do it?"

I've done it several times and discovered that life was not about finding myself, but about creating myself...


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